We remember Amy Bishop (now known as Amy Bishop Anderson), a white professor who fatally shot 3 professors, Adriel Johnson, Maria Ragland Davis, and Gopi Podila, and wounded 2 others at a faculty meeting in Huntsville, Alabama, on February 12, 2010.
(Two of those killed were Black, adding yet another form of violence to which the academy exposed them, along with the mental, institutional, emotional, and physical violence of police, students, staff, community members, and other professors.)
It seems that no one expected Anderson to respond violently to her denial of tenure the year before, even though she had a very violent past that, if she had been Black, would have been enough to block her from becoming a Harvard-trained biologist, a respected inventor, an amateur writer, and someone who was able to kill and terrorize multiple times while staying out of jail over a span of more than two decades.
In 1986, she had killed her younger brother with a shotgun blast to his chest. Although the 1986 killing took place under suspicious circumstances, the police ruled it "accidental." Police had also suspected Anderson and her husband in connection with a 1994 bombing aimed at a previous employer. And Anderson had been arrested in 2002 for punching another woman in the face at an IHOP, although that case was dropped. When Anderson committed the triple murder in Alabama, she did so with an illegally possessed Ruger 9mm firearm, sort of like the weapons that Black men are routinely and disproportionately arrested and imprisoned for possessing.
In the racist society/world we live in, white women are generally construed as "fragile," "innocent," "gentle," "pure," and "in need of protection" (rather than being understood as the ones we need to be protected from, just like white men). It takes a coordination of several sets of forces, from Hollywood to barbie dolls to all the other things that enforce white women as the only true women, including ultimately the police, who see to it that gender roles make this construction stick as a defining characteristic of white womanhood. Her mother seems to have used her white womanhood to have a kind of pull with the police and was able to get them to drop murder and assault charges and bury a homicide. Black mothers do not have this power, and are rarely approached as mothers or women.
Police are just the first step for most Black people, followed by DA, PD (public defender), jury, judge, CO (corrections officer), warden, PO (parole officer), and several other arms of the prison-industrial complex. Each step in that process can convict you or force you to accept a plea or add time to your sentence or bust you back after you've been paroled or tarnish your professional image beyond repair. They are enough to kill you, if you are Black. And they are generally unchecked, by empathy, mercy, morality, bystanders, body cameras-- or even the fact that you didn't do anything "criminal." For Anderson, the police were the first and last step before charges were dismissed-- until she murdered three people. The police protected her even from themselves. If you are white, the momentum of the prison-industrial complex has no gravity, and so cannot gain the traction and inevitability of a runaway train. Implicit bias toward you tends to not make you a target of state and civilian violence. For whites, the violence of the state, says Frank Wilderson, "is repeatedly checked."
Taken together, this multiply sourced stereotype creates a structural position of white womanhood, and may have been a significant reason why, despite Anderson's record, the racist, sexist structure allowed her to pass right under the radar in ways that state and civil society's hyper-surveillance of Black bodies would not have let pass. Anderson was allowed to kill multiple times while maintaining her freedom, continuing a pattern among white people of killing with impunity that dates back at least to Columbus. Nothing she did-- not even a prior homicide, a suspected prior attempted murder, and an assault for which she was arrested-- could make her "fit the profile" of someone the police ought to be protecting the rest of us from.
Meanwhile, Black men are jailed on terroristic threat charges for merely uttering the word "bomb" in a classroom (as happened to a brother i know in Davis, California, a few years ago) and killed for merely picking up a bb gun in a store in an open-carry state (as happened to John Crawford in Ohio).
Most importantly, the two above-mentioned patterns are not separate. They are mutually reinforcing. In other words, Anderson was understood to not be a threat because she was defined in opposition to Black men, like John Crawford, who are seen as a threat.
Thinking intersectionally, we might notice several attributes in her life that position her according to socioeconomic class and education as privileged, not simply the fact that she is white in and of itself. Yes, Anderson has a PhD from Harvard and several prestigious postdoctoral fellowships. Yes, she was from the Boston suburb of Braintree, Mass., and raised in a well-to-do neighborhood, in an historic old house, and a community where people knew the police chief by his first name. All of these things position her according to her class.
But this only amplifies the original point. Class is a function of race, not the other way around. Capitalism is a weapon that is used against Black people to sustain the anti-black structure. Never forget that Black people are disproportionately poor, and the poor are disproportionately Black.
In the case of Anderson's life, capitalism was the mechanism by which her suburban life was able to maintain its meaning and coherence as a space safe for families like that of her parents-- the Bishops. The Bishop family was able to live in a middle-class suburb outside of a Boston that was, in Anderson's younger years, becoming increasingly Black. They benefited from white flight. Capitalism would also have been the way that Black families were simultaneously kept in the inner city of Boston, via practices like redlining. So, again, to the extent that she was privileged, Black Bostonians, and poor folks in general, had to be deprived. Capitalism is a tool in service of antiblackness. Capitalism might even be thought of as antiblackness, weaponized.
One article even describes families like the Bishops living in the suburbs and being "proud" that they escaped the "grittier precincts," something that, of course, is at least partially a code word for Black areas in cities that have been subject to white flight and the so-called "benign neglect" of late twentieth-century capitalism. Taking pride that you left people behind in killing fields like Boston should make us wonder why (or whether) more white bourgeois families aren't serial killers.
Despite Anderson's commission of actual homicides, she doesn't fit the profile for a homicidal threat that the police should be shooting down in the streets, thereby enabling her to kill again...
![]() |
Adriel Johnson |
...and again...
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Maria Ragland Davis |
...and again...
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Gopi Podila |
...and that is why Dr. Amy Bishop Anderson is another PROFILE IN WHITE WOMEN'S PRIVILEGE.
Please remember, white privilege is really just a nice way of saying white power, and it is based on Black death.
You are an infatigable racist ! There's no such thing as "white privilege" except in the warped minds of those who still believe they are being held back by some vague, immutable force over which they have no control. YOU can control your own destiny. In The United States of America you can do anything and be anything that you want to IF YOU WORK HARD ENOUGH FOR IT ! Look at Lebron James, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama...Oprah is one of the most revered, admired and respected WOMAN in this country, not to mention the most successful and wealthiest of them all. Barack Obama, who came form the most humble of beginnings, was elected not once, but TWICE to the office of President Of The United States. African-Americans only account for 13% of the population, which means millions upon millions of WHITE Americans voted for Mr. Obama, not once but TWICE ! But this FACT does not coincide with your faulty narative of "white privilege." Perhaps the African-American community would be better served by exposing the fact that many underpriviledged black Americans are born into fatherless households. For too long, African-American males have been given a pass for not owning up to their responsibilty to their children and the mothers' of those children, who are then left with the burden of caring for those kids. None other than Bill Cosby, another great, beloved successful African-American brought up this very issue and was condemned for being an "Uncle Tom." Perhaps if men like Thomas Sowell were celebreated in the back community, instead of race-baiting-opportunistic-phony-big-mouths like Al Sharpton, the African-Americans of this country would have much greater opportunities for legitimacy, humility and success. America is far from perfect, and this country has certainly had dark periods in it's history, such as segregation and slavery, but those problems were fought over and defeated long ago. To live in that dark shadow dishonors the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He would want us all to step out from behind that curtain of darkness and into the light of hope, promise, self-destiny and freedom. Many people imigrate to America for a better life, to fulfill the chance at success that this country promises...Asians, Indians, Haitians, Mexicans enter the USA so that they can work hard, and raise their families, to have a better life than what they had in their home country, and many are successful, because they work at it. You'll probably delete this because it's true, and you won't have the courage to face your own prejudices. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to express myself.
ReplyDeleteYou are an infatigable racist ! There's no such thing as "white privilege" except in the warped minds of those who still believe they are being held back by some vague, immutable force over which they have no control. YOU can control your own destiny. In The United States of America you can do anything and be anything that you want to IF YOU WORK HARD ENOUGH FOR IT ! Look at Lebron James, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama...Oprah is one of the most revered, admired and respected WOMAN in this country, not to mention the most successful and wealthiest of them all. Barack Obama, who came form the most humble of beginnings, was elected not once, but TWICE to the office of President Of The United States. African-Americans only account for 13% of the population, which means that millions upon millions of WHITE Americans voted for Mr. Obama, not once but TWICE ! But this FACT does not coincide with your faulty narative of "white privilege." Perhaps the African-American community would be better served by exposing the fact that many underpriviledged black Americans are born into fatherless households. For too long, African-American males have been given a pass for not owning up to their responsibilty to their children and the mothers' of those children, who are then left with the burden of caring for those kids. None other than Bill Cosby, another great, beloved successful African-American brought up this very issue and was condemned for being an "Uncle Tom." Perhaps if men like Thomas Sowell were celebreated in the back community, instead of race-baiting-opportunistic-phony-big-mouths like Al Sharpton, the African-Americans of this country would have much greater opportunities for legitimacy, humility and success. America is far from perfect, and this country has certainly had dark periods in it's history, such as segregation and slavery, but those problems were fought over and defeated long ago. To live in that dark shadow dishonors the memory of Dr. King. He would want us all to step out from behind that curtain of darkness and into the light of hope, promise, self-destiny and freedom. Many people imigrate to America for a better life, to fulfill the chance at success that this country promises...Asians, Indians, Pakistanis, Phillipinos, Haitians, Mexicans, etc. enter the USA so that they can work hard, and raise their families, to have a better life than what they had in their home country, and many are successful, because they work at it. You'll probably delete this because it's true, and you won't have the courage to face your own prejudices. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to express myself.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, I'm just seeing this comment. Apologies for the delayed reply.
DeleteBasically, you don't know what you're talking about. I mean that literally and not necessarily in any kind of ad hominem way. Across the board, you sound like you may be a child or young adult whose analysis of race and racism has been restricted to dictionary definitions, and you just haven't had to study these things seriously and live with these problems on the daily. Just objectively speaking, the way you talk (or fail to talk) about racism, its definition, its history, and the many things that intersect with it is like pretending you know the international plumbing code just because you've been potty trained. As Prof. Clarke said, with every word you speak you reveal how little you've read.
This stuff requires actual study and thoughtful consideration, learning from lessons of history, sociology, freedom struggle, psychoanalysis, literature, police science, implicit cognition, poetry, epidemiology, geography, and just day-to-day lived experiences carried in the collective consciousnesses of people in areas as disparate as West Baltimore, Deep East Oakland, Southwest Detroit, City of God, South Side Chicago, Soweto, Hough, the Lower Ninth Ward, Haiti, etc. If you're really interested in this ongoing conversation, you really need to understand a lot more about the topics/research fields on which you comment before you can speak with any credibility, insight, or rigor about them. I am embarrassed for you. It's just flat out disrespectful and jejune of you to come to this page (out of all the pages you could say stuff like this on) and make these comments without having to be accountable to certain elementary areas of knowledge that Black people have to gain through lived experience (including experience that kills us) and/or careful study.
I recommend you start by reading Eduardo Bonilla Silva, Joe Feagin, or Peggy McIntosh. (You don't sound like you can handle DuBois yet.) And, ya know, just start by getting used to understanding what racism actually is, according to those who actually study it and not the Webster's dictionary definition of it, and how it's different from mere prejudice. Come back when you've done this and we can proceed with a discussion. Meantime
http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2012/05/exploration_of_24-year_life_ex.html (about Cleveland, where LeBron James is from!)
Good luck.
And, Bill Cosby? Really? Please